
93Queen 93Queen 93Queen

93Queen (2018)

Country: USA

Duration: 85 min

Genre: documentary

Director: Paula Eiselt
Director of Cinematography: Paula Eiselt
Producer: Paula Eiselt, Heidi Reinberg, Adam Bolt
Editor: Sunita Prasad
Composer: Laura Karpman

Nomination: Documentary Feature

Age limitations: 12+


13 октября 20:00, Dom kino - registration


Rachel Freier lives in Brooklyn, in the Hasidic enclave of Borough Park, and in her community, the woman’s place is in the kitchen and her role is to bring up children and respect their father. Men cannot even shake her hand due to tradition. Rachel wants to be independent and so organizes women of her neighbourhood to volunteer for health and human rights issues while remaining to be wives and mothers, which obviously leads to various conflicts. In the end, Freier considers running for a Civil Court judge for her district.

This film presents a real story, quite typical for America (it does remind Erin Brockovich), and reflects the feminist motif common for contemporary Jewish films. Director Paula Eiselt characterised the community of 93Queen as the Hasidic #MeToo movement, while American film critics wrote: "Forget Supergirl and Wonder Woman. To see a real female superhero in action, check out Paula Eiselt's documentary."

Rewards and nominations

  • Hot Docs 2018 – World Premiere

Along with

Lecture. Complex subject of documentary cinema